WelcomE! Bienvenue! PJILA'SI! Jambo! Marhaba!

Welcome!! We are excited to kick off the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you for entrusting your children with us.

Our families are an important part of our SSA team as we rely on and appreciate your support, patience and understanding in all matters relating to school. A strong partnership between home and school is more likely to lead to success for our children.

We are proud to offer our students and their families high-quality education in a safe and nurturing environment. Our students remain our top priority and their growth and learning is achieved by the professionalism, ingenuity and commitment of our SSA team. Each year we look forward to welcoming back our students with kindness, understanding, love and respect.

Our Family Handbook (located within the student agenda and on this website) serves to provide answers to many of the questions you have regarding school processes and procedures. At any time that you have questions that are not covered within, please never hesitate to reach out by phone (902-661-2499) or e-mail (Nayo Upshaw). As new information comes in or current information changes, you will find within this document the various ways that will be communicated with you.

SSA students and families have BARK...Behaviors that Are Respectful, Responsible and Kind.

Staff of Spring Street Academy

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